24 September – 11 October 2014


Eastaway describes how the works in Rough Yellow began a number of years ago with a considered effort for her work to find a passage into the centre of a cube-like space that also acknowledged the walls of the form which held that space together. From the initial attempt to visualise this emerged a series of drawings with convergent yet unconnected diagonal lines. While being contained within a complete form with structured edges the diagonal lines fail to find the centre and they seemingly collapse. This is further signified by the incompleteness and irregularity of the triangular forms which are central in the composition. As the drawings evolved into this series of new paintings, the artist playfully explored how the eye sympathises with the collapsing lines and allows oneself to experience an induced, artificial encounter with gravity. Acknowledging yellow to be a colour with its own rich history in art discourses, Eastaway is also acutely aware how it has the potential to be jarring to the eye. Layers of transparent yellow paint sits into lightly primed heavy Belgian linen and is visibly rough, a trademark of the artist.  Its use in this body of work is intentionally more radiant and with greater opacity than previous recent works.

Lynne Eastaway studied at The National Art School (NAS) before completing her Master of Fine Art (Research) at UNSW. She has taught at numerous art schools since 1980 including UNSW, UWS, Curtain, USQ and most notably in drawing at NAS. Having first exhibited publically with the historically renowned Gallery A, Eastaway has held a number of solo exhibitions in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth since 1978 and has recently shown in group exhibitions in Europe, USA, London and at Paris Concret, Sydney Non Objective, Factory 49 and at Gallery 9. Her work has been collected by private and corporate collections as well as the Curtain University and Wollongong University collections, Artbank and the National Gallery of Victoria.