BRETT EAST We gravitate toward you as day fades to night 2012 oil on linen 112 × 84 cm
Installation view of Adam Norton’s paintings
Installation view of Tonee Messiah paintings
ANNA KRISTENSEN Flame Tree, Plume Smoke, Bush and Lambs’ Wool 2012 oil on linen 84 × 66 cm
Installation view of Jelle van den Berg’s and Anna Kristensen’s paintings
ADAM NORTON Book of Oberth 2011 acrylic on canvas 142 × 100 cm
ADAM NORTON Book of Tsiolkovsky 2011 acrylic on canvas 145 × 105 cm
ADAM NORTON Uranium 2008 acrylic on board 38 × 49 cm
ADAM NORTON Book of Goddard 2011 acrylic on canvas 150 × 100 cm
SIMON KENNEDY Landscape Study 2011 oil on linen 50 × 38 cm
TIM PRICE Protect the Week 2011 acrylic on canvas 71 x 92 cm
TONEE MESSIAH Grey, Yellow Sunday 2012 oil on canvas 91 × 102 cm
REBECCA PEARSON Gardens of Glory 2012 mixed media 23 × 32 cm
Close-up Installation view of Rebecca Pearson's paintings
MICHELLE HANLIN Trans-Seasonal Problem Scenery 2012 acrylic on canvas 56 × 56 cm
27 January – 18 February 2012